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Zip files and folders with Winzip: A beginner's guide


where mydir is the directory containing your files. Note that the produced zip will contain the directory structure as well as the files. As peterph points out in his comment, this is usually seen as a good thing: extracting the zip will neatly store all the extracted files in one subdirectory.

how to add a directory to winzip

Another way would be to use find and xargs: (this might include a "." directory in the zip, but it should still extract correctly. With my test, zip stripped the dot before compression)find . -type f -exec zip +

Unzip will list, test, or extract files from a ZIP archive, commonly found on Unix systems. The default behavior (with no options) is to extract into the current directory (and sub-directories below it) all files from the specified ZIP archive.

Options :1. -d Option: Removes the file from the zip archive. After creating a zip file, you can remove a file from the archive using the -d option.Suppose we have following files in my current directory are listed below:hello1.chello2.chello3.chello4.chello5.chello6.chello7.chello8.cSyntax :

3. -m Option: Deletes the original files after zipping. Move the specified files into the zip archive actually, this deletes the target directories/files after making the specified zip archive. If a directory becomes empty after removal of the files, the directory is also removed. No deletions are done until zip has created the archive without error. This is useful for conserving disk space, but is potentially dangerous removing all input files.Syntax :

4.-r Option: To zip a directory recursively, use the -r option with the zip command and it will recursively zips the files in a directory. This option helps you to zip all the files present in the specified directory.Syntax:

5. -x Option: Exclude the files in creating the zip. Let say you are zipping all the files in the current directory and want to exclude some unwanted files. You can exclude these unwanted files using the -x option.Syntax :

To get your working environment ready, place the downloaded resources into a directory called python-zipfile/ in your home folder. Once you have the files in the right place, move to the newly created directory and fire up a Python interactive session there.

ZipFile.extract() allows you to accomplish the first task. This method takes the name of a member file and extracts it to a given directory signaled by path. The destination path defaults to the current directory:

When it comes to extracting all the member files from an archive, you can use .extractall(). As its name implies, this method extracts all the member files to a destination path, which is the current directory by default:

After running this code, all the current content of will be in your output_dir/ directory. If you pass a non-existing directory to .extractall(), then this method automatically creates the directory. Finally, if any of the member files already exist in the destination directory, then .extractall() will overwrite them without asking for your confirmation, so be careful.

Bundling the content of a directory into a single archive is another everyday use case for ZIP files. Python has several tools that you can use with zipfile to approach this task. For example, you can use pathlib to read the content of a given directory. With that information, you can create a container archive using ZipFile.

In this example, you create a pathlib.Path object from your source directory. The first with statement creates a ZipFile object ready for writing. Then the call to .iterdir() returns an iterator over the entries in the underlying directory.

You have the usual files and a subdirectory with a single file in it. If you want to create a ZIP file with this same internal structure, then you need a tool that recursively iterates through the directory tree under root_dir/.

This time, you use Path.relative_to() to get the relative path to each file and then pass the result to the second argument of .write(). This way, the resulting ZIP file ends up with the same internal structure as your original source directory. Again, you can get rid of this argument if you want your source directory to be at the root of your ZIP file.

The with statement opens for reading. The loop iterates over each file in the archive using namelist(), while the conditional statement checks if the filename ends with the .md extension. If it does, then you extract the file at hand to a target directory, output_dir/, using .extract().

What if you need to create a ZIP file to archive an entire directory? For example, you may have your own source_dir/ with the same three files as the example above. You can create a ZIP file from that directory by using the following command:

This code creates a compressed file called in your working directory. This ZIP file will contain all the files in the input directory, source_dir/. The make_archive() function is convenient when you need a quick and high-level way to create your ZIP files in Python.

Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory; membermust be its full name or a ZipInfo object. Its file information isextracted as accurately as possible. path specifies a different directoryto extract to. member can be a filename or a ZipInfo object.pwd is the password used for encrypted files as a bytes object.

Extract all members from the archive to the current working directory. pathspecifies a different directory to extract to. members is optional and mustbe a subset of the list returned by namelist(). pwd is the passwordused for encrypted files as a bytes object.

Create a directory inside the archive. If zinfo_or_directory is a string,a directory is created inside the archive with the mode that is specified inthe mode argument. If, however, zinfo_or_directory isa ZipInfo instance then the mode argument is ignored.

If pathname is a file, the filename must end with .py, andjust the (corresponding *.pyc) file is added at the top level(no path information). If pathname is a file that does not end, a RuntimeError will be raised. If it is a directory,and the directory is not a package directory, then all the files*.pyc are added at the top level. If the directory is apackage directory, then all *.pyc are added under the packagename as a file path, and if any subdirectories are package directories,all of these are added recursively in sorted order.

filterfunc, if given, must be a function taking a single stringargument. It will be passed each path (including each individual fullfile path) before it is added to the archive. If filterfunc returns afalse value, the path will not be added, and if it is a directory itscontents will be ignored. For example, if our test files are all eitherin test directories or start with the string test_, we can use afilterfunc to exclude them:

Exceeding limitations on different file systems can cause decompression failed.Such as allowable characters in the directory entries, length of the file name,length of the pathname, size of a single file, and number of files, etc.

In one of our several articles about the tar command, we showed you how to extract tar files to a specific or different directory in Linux. This short guide explains to you how to extract/unzip .zip archive files to a specific or different directory in Linux.

To create a .zip (packaged and compressed) file from the command line, you can run a similar command like the one below, The -r flag enables recursive reading of files directory structure.

To extract/unzip .zip archive files to specific or different directory from the command line, include the -d unzip command flag as shown below. We will use the same example above to demonstrate this.

It is possible to refine the set of files that are being zipped. This can be done withthe includes, includesfile, excludes, excludesfileand defaultexcludes attributes. With the includes or includesfileattribute you specify the files you want to have included by using patterns. The excludeor excludesfile attribute is used to specify the files you want to have excluded. This isalso done with patterns. And finally with the defaultexcludes attribute, you can specifywhether you want to use default exclusions or not. See the sectionon directory based tasks, on how theinclusion/exclusion of files works, and how to write patterns.

  • Ant 1.9.0 introduced support for Zip64 extensions but didn't provide any control over theirusage. Since Ant 1.9.1, a new zip64mode attribute was added tothe zip family of tasks. It supports three values: never means no Zip64 extra fields will ever be written. This is the behavior of Ant prior to 1.9.0 and the default behavior of jar, ear and war since Ant 1.9.1.

  • always means Zip64 extra fields are written for all entries.

  • as-needed means Zip64 extra fields are written for all compressed entries to the "local file header" (by default these are all files but not the directories) but only written to the central directory if the entry really required Zip64 features. This is the default behavior of Ant 1.9.0 and remains the default behavior of the zip task.

as-needed provides a good compromise if you don't know whether you archive will exceed thelimits of traditional zip files but don't want to waste too much space (the Zip64 extensions take upextra space). Unfortunately some ZIP implementations don't understand Zip64 extra fields or fail toparse archives with extra fields in local file headers that are not present in the centraldirectory, one such implementation is the package of Java 5,that's why the jar tasks default to never. Archives createdwith as-needed can be read without problems with Java 6 and later.

Zip all files in the htdocs/manual directory, and also add thefile ChangeLog.txt in the current directory. ChangeLog.txt will be addedto the top of the ZIP file, just as if it had been locatedat htdocs/manual/ChangeLog.txt. 2ff7e9595c

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